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Mary Stone

Navigating a marriage with a nagging wife can be tough and often intimidating. As someone who has personally experienced this issue before and as a counselor with 12 years of experience in helping couples combat such issues, my goal is to provide practical advice for how best to handle these situations. Understanding the root causes …

Read More about How Do I Deal With A Negative, Nagging Wife?

For many Christians, feelings of regret and guilt about past decisions and circumstances can be a pervasive source of pain. Guilt can stem from our own failures or the actions of others, while regret ties into feelings of loss that may be difficult to move on from. However, it is important for followers of Christ …

Read More about How Do Christians Deal With Regret and Guilt?

Pain and suffering often loom like towering peaks in our journey, casting long shadows across the roads to joy and contentment. As followers of Christ, we’re no strangers to these challenging seasons; indeed, the Scriptures are rich with words about weathering tough times. But why must we grapple with such torment when a compassionate God …

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Are all Christians called to fight against injustice? The answer is yes. As Christians, we are commanded to seek justice and defend oppressed people (Psalm 82:3-4), love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’), and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves (Proverbs …

Read More about How Can Christians Fight Injustice?

Dealing with disrespect in a Christian manner can often seem daunting and may leave people feeling helpless. However, with the example that Jesus set, Christians are ideally equipped to handle disrespectful behavior in a biblical manner. From understanding what the Bible says about respect to equipping oneself with practical tips for handling challenging interactions, there …

Read More about Dealing With Disrespect In A Christian Manner

Anger—we all know it too well. It’s like a shadow that can loom over us, sometimes lurking quietly, other times erupting in a spectacle of raw emotion. Throughout our exploration of biblical wisdom and the complex terrain of human feelings, we’ve uncovered how anger can cast long shadows over our lives if we don’t control …

Read More about How Can God Help Me With My Anger Issues?