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How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

Pain and suffering often loom like towering peaks in our journey, casting long shadows across the roads to joy and contentment. As followers of Christ, we’re no strangers to these challenging seasons; indeed, the Scriptures are rich with words about weathering tough times.

But why must we grapple with such torment when a compassionate God watches over His creation? This perplexing question has resonated throughout history’s halls. In moments of doubt or despair, we find comfort in (Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.), which assures us that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, an affirmation deeply woven into Christian belief.

Our dialogue here delves into timeless wisdom blended with actionable guidance on how to brave life’s bitter episodes, insights gained through perseverance by many who have traveled this path before us.

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?


How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

Understanding Suffering According to the Bible

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

We all face tough times, and the Bible has a lot to say about pain and suffering. It tells us that suffering for the Kingdom is a part of life on earth. The Book of Job shows a man who was good but still had to go through hard times. His story helps us see that being faithful doesn’t mean we won’t have problems.

We all face tough times, and the Bible has a lot to say about pain and suffering. It tells us that suffering for the Kingdom is a part of life on earth. The Book of Job shows a man who was good but still had to go through hard times. His story helps us see that being faithful doesn’t mean we won't have problems.

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ went through great pain, died, and then rose again. His sufferings show us that even when things seem really bad, God can bring forth something good. The Apostle Paul wrote in (Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.) that our troubles now are nothing compared to the glory we will see later because of what Jesus did for us. 

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

Even though we might not always understand why bad things happen, we know God loves us and wants the best for us. We can find comfort in (Psalms 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.), where it says the Lord is close to the brokenhearted. Through these words, we can feel less alone during our hardest times.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

Coping With Pain and Suffering

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

In our journey of faith, coping with pain and suffering is a shared struggle—but it’s also an opportunity for growth. We can look to the Bible, our personal relationship with God, and the support of fellow believers to navigate through life’s darkest valleys.

Bringing Your Pain to God

We all face times when we hurt and it feels like too much to handle. That’s when we can turn to God. When pain comes our way, let’s bring it straight to Him. 

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

How Do Christians Deal With Pain and Suffering?

We can pray and tell Him about what troubles us because He cares for us. Just like a parent soothes a child, God listens to our worries and comforts us. Sometimes, we might think our problems are too small or that God is too busy. But that’s not true! In the New Testament, 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast all our anxiety on Him because He cares for us. It doesn’t matter how big or small our pain is; God wants to hear about it.

Our Lord Jesus showed us this on the cross when He cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). He shared His deepest pain with the Father—and so should we. Sharing our suffering with God brings relief that nothing else can give because He has endless love and mighty power to help.

Surrounding Yourself with God’s Word and Community

Dealing with pain and suffering can be hard. We can find strength and comfort in God’s Word and our Christian community. Search the Scriptures for answers to whatever is making you suffer or bringing discomfort. There’s always a solution in the Bible. It doesn’t end once you find it, though. You have to act on the Word. You can only achieve results by doing the Word of God. You can also join a Christian community that is going through what you’re struggling with. You can find help in a community that loves God and wants you to grow in Christ.

Trusting in God’s Plan and Finding Joy Amidst the Suffering

We know life can hurt a lot sometimes. It may feel like we’re in a storm and there’s no end in sight. But even when things look dark, we hold on to hope because God has a plan for us. The Bible says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope,” (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT). This promise reminds us that our suffering is not pointless.

It’s hard to see what good can come out of pain. Yet, we can find joy by trusting that God will use every tear and struggle for something better. We don’t always understand why bad things happen, but believing in God gives us strength.

Even Jesus knew about suffering but kept loving others anyway (Hebrews 12:2-3). So together, let’s focus on this love and trust that one day all the pieces will fit perfectly into His great story of salvation.


We’ve looked at different ways Christians can face pain and suffering. Bible verses remind us that we’re not alone. When things get hard, they tell us to lean on God and friends who believe.

Our trust in a bigger plan gives us strength and joy, even when times are tough. Every step we take following these ideas brings healing to our hearts—let’s start today!


1. Why do Christians think pain and suffering exist?

Christians often believe that pain and suffering came into the world because of original sin, which is talked about in the story of Adam and Eve. They see it as a “privation of good,” where something good is missing.

2. What do Christians do when they are in pain or sad?

When feeling pain or sadness, many Christians turn to prayer, look for comfort in their faith, read Bible verses like those from Psalms or Lamentations, and lean on community support within their church.

3. How does Jesus’ life relate to Christian views on suffering?

Jesus’ life—including His death and belief in His resurrection—is central to Christianity’s approach to dealing with sorrow because Christians see Him as a savior who understands human sufferings since He went through them too.

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